| |
Another Bahamas golf course pollutes coral reefs, Bahamas Press raises
alarm over environmental concerns near the Paradise Island Golf Course,
Dec 02, 2012
Seven places where The Earthquake Money did and did not go,
HaitiAction.net, Bill Quigley and Amber Ramanauskas, 1/3/2012
Saving the Coral, Martin Lorilla,
The MIT Spectrvm,
Documenting global coral reef restoration, a film by Seth Greenspan,
September 2011
Sportsmen need to take lead to protect artificial reef fund, Bob
Marshall, The Times-Picayune, October 17, 2010
Gulf Fishermen Finding Sick Fish, Few Crabs and Shrimp, Linda
Moulton Howe, Earthfiles, 2011
WikiLeaks cables reveal how US manipulated climate accord,
Environment, TheGuardian, 8.12.2010
Dead Coral Found Near Site of Gulf Oil Spill, John Collins Rudolf,
New York Times, 11/5/2011
Reef Reborn – Into the Unseen World, Most of Bali’s coral reefs
have been destroyed. Coral bleaching and aggressive fishing have wiped
out the reefs and much of the marine life. This is the story of a new
technology which rebuilds coral reefs faster than they would naturally.

Kuwait’s coral is dying as sea warms up, James Calderwood, The
National September 22. 2010
The Perils of Progress, Boracay, Philippines, Mitch Moxley
Journeys, The Caravan July 2010
Corralling Info on BP Spill & Coral, Daniel Edward Rosen, NY Daily
News, 7/6/2010
Global Assault on Coral Reefs, What’s killing the great reefs of the
world?, Lucy Bunkley-Williams and Earnest H. Williams, Jr., Natural
History, April 1990
Caribbean Marine Mass Mortalities: A Problem with a Solution,
Earnest H. Williams, Jr and Lucy Bunkley-Williams
A Life Support System for Ailing Coral Reefs,
Phuket Gazette,
A Pacific Odyssey, (PDF) Caspar Henderson, Open Democracy, 16 September
2004 (See also on the same subject:
Hotsarihie (Helen Reef) Project Report,
Hotsarihie (Helen Reef) Project Report Photos (1-26),
Hotsarihie (Helen Reef) Project Report Photos (26-55),
A Pacific Odyssey, Caspar Henderson, Open Democracy, 16 September 2004
A Rescatar Isla de Ratones, Nélida González,
Redacción VISION, 3/26/2003, (English and Spanish)
A Shore Thing for North Bali Kids,
Teaching Children at Pemuteran, North
Bali to Care for the Island's Shorelines and Reefs,
Shown on
balidiscovery.com Earth Day 2010.
Addicted to Sand Pumping Despite Damages, Investigative Series: 2 of 3,
Terry Gibson,
Florida Sportsman,
May 2005
African Dust Storms Could be Killing Caribbean Reefs, Kathryn Winiarski The
State, Columbia South Carolina
Against All Odds, David Esponosa, Asian Diver, April/May 2004
Arcas de Corales,
Gabriel Despaigne C., La Prensa Panamá, 23 de
Septiembre de 2002 (Spanish)
Arcas de corales, La Prensa, Gabriel Despaigne C. September 2002
ARCHE SAYA, Mare No. 34,Von Olaf Kanter, July 2004
Articles about reef restoration projects and children's underwater education
program, (In Chinese) Copel Magazine, Jun Li, August, 2008.
Artificial Reef to be Removed Fort Lauderdale, Fla. USA
Associazione L.I.S.A. (Life In the Sea Again), Project Lisa, July 2004
Autopia by Volker Schmidt
Bacterial Pathogens and Rising Temperatures Threaten Coral Health, Woods
Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1/20/2008
Balance Of Life, Djuna Ivereigh, Indonesia Minister of Culture and
Tourism, IslandLife, 2002
Bali Revisited in Depth,
(PDF) ScubaDiver Australasia, Sue Crowe, Michael Aw,
Bali Something Old, Something New, Always Predictable, (PDF) ScubaDiver
Australasia, Michael Aw
Beach Renourishment Stirs Doubts,
Antigone Barton, Palm Beach Post,
12 05.05
Biohazard? Scientist Alleges Clean-Up Hazardous, Queens Tribune, Michael
Rehak, June 16, 2005,
Biorock Coral Project, Agung Bali Nirvana, Bali
Biorock Offers Hope in Restoring Reefs, Gulf News, Fran Gillespie,
Biorock Stimule la Repousse du Corail, (French) Novethic, Maxence Layet,
Biorock the Electric Advantage, Asian Geographic, Issue 2, 2005
Biorock to ‘Build a Beach’ on Troubled Shores, The Peninsula, 6/1/2004
Biorock: Le Recif Electrique, Plongeurs Dive Magazine, April 2005
Biorock® Technology – Offering Hope for Coral Reef Restoration Around the
World, Joni Lawrence, Editor, MarineBio.org
Biorocking on Frankenstein Reef, Divernet, Diver Magazine, October, 2003
Breathing Life into Dying Coral Reefs, Jay B. Hilotin, Gulfnews.com,
Bt1.5m Project to Restore Coral Reefs Launched,
Samui Express,
January 26, 2006,
Call for halt to Bakers Bay development, K. Nancoo-Russell, Freeport
News 3/1/2007
Can ‘electric oysters’ restore New York’s waters? Experiment aims to
reestablish bivalves staggered by pollution, overharvesting, and disease.
Moises Velasquez-Manoff| Staff Writer of The Christian Science Monitor/
October 9, 2008.
Cancun, Nature at War Over Beaches, By Julie Watson, Associated Press,
ENN Weekly: March 19th - 23rd
Caribbean Coral Suffers Record Death, Ancient and Delicate Caribbean Coral
Suffers Record Bleaching, Death, Seth Borenstein, ABC News,
Copyright--Associated Press, Mar 30, 2006
Coral Bleaching and Ocean Hot Spots,
Journal of the Human Environment, 1994, T. J. Goreau1, R. L. Hayes
Coral Bones, Will tropical coral reefs be the first ecosystem to be
eliminated by global warming? Caspar Henderson, 11.9.2005
Coral Reef Restoration in Komodo, BIWA Communique, 9/2003
Coral Reefs: A Growing Concern, Discovery, 3/8/1999
Corallo alla griglia, Prisma (Italian) PDF, March, 2003
Corals in Peril as Reefs Suffer Worldwide, Kathryn Winiarski, USA Today,
Corals, Mangroves Good for Economy, Samui Newspaper, March 15, 2005
Counties Flush Dirty Water Into the Ocean,
Carl Hiaasen,
MiamiHerald.com - 11/04/2007
Efforts Afoot to Protect Bali's Coral Reefs, Louis Lebel, SeaSpan,
Efforts Afoot to Protect Bali's Coral Reefs, The Jakarta Post, February
19, 2002 Pariama Hutasoit, Contributor, Bali
Efforts to Save Ailing Coral Reefs Should Continue, Scientists Say,
Kathryn Winiarski, The State, Columbia South Carolina, 10/28/2000
El proyecto Karang Lestari es el vivero de coral más grande jamás
desarrollado en el mundo con electricidad, Marilyn August, Hablemos
Online, September, 2004
Electric Current Saves Corals in Indonesia, Mikhail Tsyganov, RIA
Novosti, February 14, 2006 – Russian Information Agency, RIA (English
Click here to link to the original article with illustrations, in Russian.
Electric Reef, Jo McFarlane, Jesper, Meyer ScubaGlobe Asia Pacific Vol
3, No. 1,
Electric Reefs, Caspar Henderson, New Scientist, 6/7/2002
Electric Reefs, DiversAlertNetwork (DAN), Elizabeth Cook, Photos, Robert
Yin, September, October, 2007
Electrically charged frames are being used to create the limestone on which
coral lives, Sean Hargrave, The Sunday Times of London, 3/14/1999
Electroshock para salvar corales, BBC Mundo.com, (Spanish) October, 2004
Environment - Against All Odds, Asian Diver, David Espinosa, Scott
Tuason, April 2004
Eritrea's mangroves show way to fight hunger, Andrew Cawthorne, Hirgigo,
Eritrea, Mail and Guardian Online, 21 May 2008
Excessive Dredging Threatens Florida Marine Life
Investigative Series: 1 of 3.
By Terry Gibson,
Florida Sportsman, April, 2005
Fear land poisoned, Pols call for tests on site of planned homes,
Donald Bertrand, Daily News, Boroughs 2/01/05
Fighting Algae in Kaneohe Bay, Science, Volume 319, Issue 5860, dated
January 11 2008
Thomas J. Goreau;, Jennifer E. Smith, Eric J. Conklin, Celia M. Smith and
Cynthia L. Hunter
Florida site under threat from dredge-dump projects, Marine Scientist,
4Q 2003
Following the Death of the Corals, Diario de Yucatan, Cozumel, November
23 2003, by Alejandro Moreno Pena. (English and Spanish)
Giant Barnacle Brings New Life to Coral Reefs in the Maldivian Island of
Ihuru, Angsana Resort, Maldives
Global Coral Reef Alliance and Sun & Sea e.V.: Second BiorockT Workshop,
United Nations Development Programme, October 2003
Global Warming and Coral Reefs, Thomas J Goreau, openDemocracy, May 31,
Global warming and untreated Sewage pose threat to coral reefs,
GulfNews, Jay B. Hilotin, 9/11/2004
Grief on the Reef, NewScientist, March 5, 2004
Groei rif door spanning. Duiken, Dutch journal 'Duiken, Antillian New,'
St Maarten: April 2007
Hilbertz y Goreau--Visionarios, Constructores, Buceadores, Vladimir
Riera, Buceadores, 1999
HK's taste for seafood wrecking region's reefs, Audrey Parwani, South
China Morning Post, December 8, 2006
How to Grow a Living Reef from Iron and Seawater, Casper Henderson,
Financial Times, 2/11/2001
Innovative Program to Resurrect Dying Coral Reefs Launched in Lombok,
Vila Ombak Diving Academy, 1/03/2005
Inselträume, Wolf Hilbertz will im Indischen Ozean ein Korallenriff
erschaffen und darauf einen Staat gründen
Berlin Online, Thorkit
Treichel, October 2003
Is the Sun Setting on Scrumptious Seafood?
John Cairns, Editor, Cairns
Media Magazine, December 9, 2006
James Oysters.
Jolts of low-voltage electricity are reviving damaged coral reef off
Indonesian resort, Marilyn August, Associated Press, 8/20/2004
Korallenriffe unter elektrischem Strom,
Tagesanzeiger.ch Von Daniel B.
Peterlunger, July 2004
L’eletro-stimulation au secours du corail et des homes, Maxence Layet,
EfferveSciences, 10/11.2005 (French)
La salvezza per i coralli?, a cura della redazione GT,
La sedia elettrica, (Italian) Ecplanet,
June, 2007
La salvezza per i coralli?, Giornale Tecnologico, La sedia elettrica,
3.2005, (Italian)
Locals, Officials Fume Over Toxic Foam, Queens Tribune, Asron Rutkoff
Maldives Diving and Ecotourism, Banyan Tree, 5/2004
Maldives Nurses Its Coral Reefs Back to Life, Haveeru Daily, Alan
Wheatley , May 3, 2004
Maldives Shorelines: Growing a Beach, Thomas J. Goreau, Wolf Hilbertz, &
A. Azeez A. Hakeem, May 1, 2004
Man-made ark charged with regrowing coral (Article about a Biorock
installation), Edward Black, The Scotsman, 5/21/2005
Marine Biology IT'S ALIVE!,
Lance Leonhardt, Rodale's Scuba Diving,
Marine life hurt by development: Boro biologist,
Alexander Dworkowitz, Bayside Times, 08/28/2003
Marshall atolls declare emergency, BBC, Published: 2008/12/25 08:25:14
Mind and Hand—and Rebar, Using renewable energy to restore Philippine coral
reefs, Katherine Bourzac, Technology Review, May/June, 2007
Novosti, AsianAffairs, September, 2007
Mysterious New Diseases Devastate Coral Reefs,
New York Times, Science
Desk, August 19, 1997, Carol Kaesuk Yoon
NAUKA Metalowy kwiat lotosu ożył, Newsweek Polska, June 2004
New Coral Reef Habitat, Gila Islands News, December, 2004
New Horizons for Indonesia, I Gede Ardika, IslandLife, Special Edition,
New wave Coral Reef Rejuvenation, Asian Geographic, June/August 2000
North Bali Reef Project - A Real Winner!, Bali Discovery Tours,
Not Waving, Drowning, Murray Hogarth, The Sydney Morning Herald
Magazine, 12/19/1998
Nursery of Artificial Reef in Tulamben, North East Bali, (PDF)
International Warriors Divers Assoc., 3/2004
Ocean Care Foundation Shows the Beauty of Coral, Expresses Concern About its
Health, Wim Hart, Daily Herald Weekender, 9/24/2005
Ocean Care’s Dream Comes True, First Artificial Reef Installed in St.
Maarten Waters, The Daily Herald, Elaine Polack, 11/18/2006
Odd Couple Seek Renewal of College Pt. Wetlands, Scott Sieber, Times
Ledger.com, 04/28/2005
Poor Results Prove Need for Overhaul of Beach-Fill Policy.
Investigative Series: 3 of 3. ,
Terry Gibson, Florida Sportsman, June 2005
Prana dedicates award to fishermen, Rita A.Widiadana, The Jakarta Post,
Sanur, Bali, 2.23.
Presentan Metodo Para Rehabilitacion de Isla Ratones,
Rafael Suarez, De La Estrella de
Puerto Rico, (English and Spanish)
Program Defends Fish, Coral, Kathryn Winiarski, The State, Columbia
South Carolina, 10/26/2000.
Project to preserve the habitat of the turtle Chelonia mydas" Isla
Venezuela, June, 2007
Proposed Residential Complex In Queens To Be Built On Toxic Waste Dump,
Susan Jhun,
Jun 17,
Pushing To Build Ahead Of Rezoning,
Queens Tribune,
Aaron Rutkoff, 8/5/2004
Na stalowych prętach jak na grządkach rosną koralowce. To sztuczna rafa
dokarmiana prądem elektrycznym, Wiedzaizycie, Dorota Wrońska, (Polish)
Reef Dreams, The Australian, June 2004
Reef Rescue Volunteers Take to the Air and Sea,
Palm Beach County Reef Rescue, 3/1/2007
Reef's continued downfall dismays divers, scientists, Palm Beach Post
Antigone Barton January 03, 2006
Rescate de Arrecifes, Lourdes Cruz Sosa, Diario de Yucatan, 11/19/2003.
(English and Spanish)
Restore reef habitat, says expert,
Tia Belau (Palau) 2/7/2003
Restoring New York’s Oysters, How volunteers and scientists are fighting an
uphill battle to bring the mollusk back to the city’s waters, Eric R.
Olson, Scienceline, September 10th, 2008
Reviving Natures Bounty, Simple Technology Can Result in Spectacular
Recovery for Dying Reefs, Samui Community Magazine, September, 2005
Saving The Coral Reefs, The Green Millennium Club, July, 2004
Saving the Corals, The Green Millennium Club online magazine, 1/2004
Saya De Malha Bathymetric Survey Report,
Dr. Thomas Goreau,
Wolf Hilbertz, Frank Gutzeit, Lange Reihe, Funded by the Lighthouse
Foundation, September, 2002,
Saya De Malha, Complete Report,
Dr. Thomas Goreau,
Wolf Hilbertz, Frank Gutzeit, Lange Reihe, Funded by the Lighthouse
Foundation, September, 2002,
Scientists get funds to test College Pt. waterfront site, Cynthia Koons,
Times Ledger, 11/26/2004
Scientists Seek Return of Oysters to College Pt. Waters, Stephen
Stirling, Times Ledger, 03/01/2007
Senate to SoFla: No more poo-pumping,
MiamiHerald.com, April 16, 2008
Shock Treatment for Coral Restoration, Clark Boyd, BBC News, 10/8/04
Shwerpunkt . KUNSTLICHE INSEL, Mare No. 34, Oktober/November 2002
Silent Sentinels was originally broadcast on the Australian Broadcasting
Corporation on 19/5/1999. This transcript contains Real Audio excerpts.
Study Blasts Flushing Airport Plan,
Aaron Rutkoff, Queens Tribune Online, 3/22/2004
Study Blasts Flushing Airport Plan, Queens Tribune,
Aaron Rutkoff, 3/22/2004
Taman Sari Hotel Reef Project, Bali, April, 2002
The Electric Reef That Just Keeps Growing!, Michael Cortenbach, Vila
Ombak Diving Academy, Lombok Times, Issue 32, May, 2006
The Most Unique Reef System in South-East Asia, (PDF) SeaScience, Asian
The Reef Electric – Bio Rock, Innovative Program to Resurrect Dying Coral
Reefs Launched in Lombok, Bali Discovery Tours, 1/3/2005
The Reef Electric – Bio Rock. Innovative Program to Resurrect Dying Coral
Reefs Launched in Lombok, Bali Discovery Tours, 1/3/05
The Reef Is Dying: Officials Rethink Why, Mark Howell, Reef Relief,
The Submerging Republic of the Marshall Islands, What do you do when your
island home is in the cross hairs of climate change and faces forever being
swallowed by the tide of a rising ocean?" 12.13.2009
The world's rubbish dump: a garbage tip that stretches from Hawaii to Japan,
plastic is the scourge of sea life, The Independent, Kathy Marks,
Asia-Pacific Correspondent, and Daniel Howden, February 5, 2008
Third Generation Artificial Reefs, Wolf Hilbertz, Thomas Goreau, Ocean
Realm, Summer, 1998
Tide Turns Toxic On College Point Waterfront, Aaron Rutkoff, Queens
Tribune, 11/04/2005
Tire Reef off Florida Proves a Disaster, Brian Skoloff, AP, Feb 16, 2007
Tulamben Newsletter, Nursery of Artificial Reefs in Tulamben, Northeastern
Bali, 8/2004
Turning the Tide,
Samui Newspaper, March 15,
Un Corallo per Alassion, Mondo Somerso, 7/2004 (Italian)
Un Cunero Para Los Corales, Suplemento Científico Técnico EN RED, La
Habana. Cuba
Underwater Regeneration, Biorock Reefs, Underwater Life-support Systems for
Ailing Reefs are Helping Return Samui to its Original State, Kevin Luton,
SI-Samui, February, 2006
US Group Calls for Project to be Dumped, Keva Lightbourne, Nassau
Guardian, 3/1/2007
Wenn Inseln von alleine wachsen, Geoscience Online, Wolfgang Hilbertz,
July 2004
We're Killing our Beaches. "Renourishment" projects are destroying our
beaches., Byorrin Pilkey, Independent Weekly, 8/17/2005
What Lies Beneath: Scientist says homes may be built on dirty soil,
Aaron Rutkoff, Queens Tribune, 1/21/2005
You are what You Fish, Jim Harper, Biscayne Boulevard Times, 8/2006