Why are Coral Reefs Dying?
Threats to Coral Reefs, Signs, Causes, Solutions

Coral reefs face many threats. Some are natural stresses, such as hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, earthquakes, or plagues of coral-eating predators like the crown of thorns starfish, about which we can do little. These stresses usually are very episodic or irregular in both space and time, and really healthy reefs will recover from them over time. In a completely different category are the human caused stresses to reefs. These stresses are persistent and constantly intensifying.


Coral reefs cannot recover from such ever-present, worsening stresses. The end result of this human-impacted stress is that reefs now have trouble recovering from natural stresses (such as hurricanes) which they otherwise would be able to bounce back from. The causes, effects, and solutions to human-caused stresses are all well understood.


Major threats to reefs are summarized below, with the steps needed to reverse them.







Corals damaged by anchors Fishing, diving, and cargo boats Install moorings
Over fishing Poverty, inappropriate fishing techniques Establish fish reserves, halt spear,, dynamite and poison fishing, develop mariculture
Corals smothered by sediments Erosion of soils, dredging Reforestation of coastal watersheds, no-till agriculture, terracing, contour plowing, silt curtains
Corals overgrown by seaweeds Over-fertilization of the coastal zone by nutrients from sewage and agriculture Tertiary treatment of all sewage to remove nutrients, more efficient use of fertilizers
Corals turning white, "bleaching" Excessively high temperatures Global agreements to halt global warming and greenhouse gas buildup in atmosphere
Progressive tissue death Infectious diseases, possibly affected by pollution and climate change Still too little known to identify solutions