Friday April 8, FDEP Enforcement issued a letter to the Town of Hillsboro Beach warning they may be facing fines of hundreds of thousands of dollars for misrepresenting turbidity monitoring data and for damaging coral reefs and shoreline habitat. Link to FDEP letter of noncompliance: http://www.scribd.com/doc/52607956/WarningLetter-4-8-11 This would not have been possible without the days and nights of tireless effort by Reef Rescue, Cry-of-the-Water, STOP and Vone Research volunteers, local scuba dive boat operators and divers who all helped collect evidence of permit violations. We hope this is the last beach renourishment project that is allowed to run wild and lay waste to the coastal ecosystem. Because, the only thing different on this dredge and fill project was not the flagrant disregard for the environmental permit requirements it was the number of witnesses who stepped forward to demand enforcement action. Continue to follow the Hillsboro renourishment saga at the Reef Rescue Coral Reef Blog.
Thank you to everyone, Palm Beach County Reef Rescue