Dr. Tom Goreau, Coordinator, 37 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Telephone: 617-864-4226 E-mail: goreau@bestweb.net Web site: http://w w w.sidspinst.org THE GREEN DISC: NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR A NEW FUTURE, 2ND EDITION WITH SOLUTIONS TO REVERSE GLOBAL WARMING IS BEING LAUNCHED FREE ON THE WEB AFTER THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (RIO+20), RIO DE JANEIRO BRAZIL, JUNE 20-22 2012 The UNCSD SIDS Partnership in New Sustainable Technologies is pleased to announce the launching of the 60 chapter 2nd Edition of THE GREEN DISC: NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR A NEW FUTURE at UNCSD as a free web encyclopedia of innovative, proven, cost-effective technologies that can be scaled from tiny, poor, isolated, rural communities to mega cities. It is widely thought that we cannot solve our global problems with the tools now available to us, but in fact the solutions to the major sustainable development problems that face humanity are readily available, but are just not being used because our political and economic leaders are unaware of them and lack the will to implement them. These little-known and under-utilized technologies could solve the world’s major energy, environment, ecological, economic, and food problems if our policy makers and our funding agencies were to apply them on the scale needed. THE GREEN DISC: NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR A NEW FUTURE serves as a “one stop shop” for a huge variety of little know sustainable energy sources, including waves, tidal currents, the jet stream, biomass, and waste recycling, as well as technologies to purify water, new building materials, new more efficient engines and transportation systems, restoration of severely damaged marine ecosystems like coral reefs and fisheries, grow back eroding beaches, restoration of soil fertility, stopping soil erosion, reversing global warming by storing CO2 safely in soils, and for new forms of sustainable agriculture, aquaculture, and forestry. The UNCSD SIDS Partnership in New Sustainable Technologies offers these solutions in the hope that the world comes to its senses before they have killed our coral reefs and drowned our low lying islands. THE GREEN DISC: NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR A NEW FUTURE can be accessed in its entirety at: http://greenthindisc.com