Staghorn coral
protection area extension could hinder town's beach nourishment
Daily News Staff Writer
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Patrick O'Neill/Photographer |
(enlarge photo) |
Connie Gasque, a Palm
Beach resident and a volunteer diver for Palm
Beach County Reef Rescue, looks at staghorn
coral off the Bath & Tennis Club shore in
December 2008.
Patrick O'Neill/Photographer |
(enlarge photo) |
Staghorn coral can be
seen offshore of the Bath & Tennis Club, north
of the area now designated as protected habitat.
An environmental group has asked the federal government to
extend a coral protection zone along the town's shoreline.
The town opposes the extension, which would complicate future
efforts to nourish its eroded beaches.
In November, the National Marine Fisheries Service designated
as critical habitat for elkhorn and staghorn coral a swath of
ocean floor from the Florida Keys to Boynton Beach Inlet.
The two reef-building species have suffered drastic declines
in the last 25 years, and have been shielded since 2006 by the
federal Endangered Species Act.
But Palm Beach County Reef Rescue says it has discovered
staghorn coral north of the Boynton Inlet, and that the
protection zone should be extended 15 miles north to the Palm
Beach Inlet.
The fisheries service is reviewing the group's petition and
will announce its intention on Jan. 6, said Jennifer Moore, a
natural resource specialist with the agency's regional office in
St. Petersburg.
But a critical habitat designation demands more than sporadic
examples of a species, Moore said. Instead, the area in question
must be deemed crucial to the future of the species.
"The whole purpose is to try to assist in a recovery," she
Even though the coral itself is protected, a critical habitat
designation would be an additional safeguard. Whenever the town
or another applicant applies for state and federal environmental
permits to nourish a beach, the fisheries service would evaluate
impacts to the coral habitat just as it does for nesting sea
turtles and other threatened or endangered species, Moore said.
Ed Tichenor, Reef Rescue's director, said the group isn't
opposed to responsible beach nourishments, and that the
protection zone wouldn't impede town efforts to rebuild eroded
The staghorn coral found by Reef Rescue is about a mile
offshore in waters 50-60 feet deep, and is distinct from the
nearhore hardbottom reef that is a concern for beach
nourishments, Tichenor said.
"The critical habitat designation will have no impact on the
beach nourishment projects," he said.
The environmental permits required for beach nourishments
already protect the coral, he said. Sand dredge sites must be
hundreds of feet from the coral reef, and must be monitored for
turbidity plumes, he said.
The town blocked an earlier proposal by the federal
government to extend the protected zone up to the Martin County
In an Aug. 26 letter to Moore, Public Works Director Paul
Brazil said the extension to the Palm Beach Inlet isn't
warranted because staghorn coral is infrequent north of the
Boynton Inlet and doesn't meet Endangered Species Act guidelines
for critical habitat.
A critical habitat designation could prevent a beach
nourishment if it were found that the project could limit the
existence of the coral, said Penny Cutt, regional manager of
environmental permitting for Coastal Systems International, a
town consultant.
It's unlikely that would happen, she said. But the town
opposes the designation because it would lengthen environmental
reviews without adding substantial protection for the coral,
Cutt said.
"Critical habitat is an area absolutely necessary for the
survival of the species," she said. "This is the northern range
of the species' tolerance level and is not necessarily where we
are finding large stands of the coral."
Tichenor countered that he and other Reef Rescue divers have
found evidence the coral is thriving here.
When Reef Rescue started searching for it three years ago, it
would rarely find small outcroppings about 6 inches across, he
"Now, when we go out, it's easy to find, because they're
three to four times as big as they were in 2006," he said.
The staghorn is a branching coral that varies from a few
centimeters to more than two meters in length.
Although increasingly rare in the Keys and Caribbean, it has
been thriving off the coast of Miami-Dade and Broward counties
despite threats that include warming sea temperatures, diseases,
hurricanes, boat anchors, and millions of gallons of sewage that
pour into the ocean through pipelines.
Tichenor said 97 percent of the coral that was once here is
"The town says a few colonies doesn't represent anything
significant," he said. "But if there were only a few bald eagles
left, would you say, 'Don't worry about them?'"