New Biorock™ Structures in Thanks to a grant of $1,500 USD by Booz, Allen and Hamilton and $1,000 USD from Ursula Rommerskirchen-Hilbertz, eleven new Biorock structures were installed in Pemuteran Bay during December / January, 20003. This area in Bali now operates a total of 40 structures with a length/diameter of 270 meters. In addition, there is a linear Biorock™ restoration project in Pemuteran Bay. Thanks to Narayana and the coral team around Komang and the aspiring seascapers Julia and Ari, most of the new coral ark structures received already hundreds of seedlings. 1. Buma Bali,
diameter 10 meters 2. Worm, 12 meters 3. Hp shell, 5 meters 4. Sugar loaf, 4 meters 5. Tunnel, 6 meters 6. Ark, 5 meters 7. Donut, diameter 4 meters 8. Double caracole, 3 meters 9. Coral bags, 1 meter 10. Eiffel tower, 2 meters 11. Conductive concrete reef The structures/corals are doing great; bleaching is not evident. Fish populations increased dramatically since May, 2002. |