M. Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez
School of Ocean and Earth Science,
University of Southampton, Southampton SO14 3ZH,
Toby Tyrrell, Paul R. Halloran, Rosalind E. M.
Rickaby, Peter von Dassow, John A. Raven
We fully agree with T. J. Goreau that
calcification by coccolithophores contrasts with
that of other marine organisms (e.g. corals and
foraminifera). Coccolithophore calcification
occurs within the cell, rather than externally
to that cell, and consequently coccolithophores
are potentially able to exert a much more
sophisticated control over their calcification
process. However, we strongly disagree with the
suggestion by Goreau that calcification and
photosynthesis are tightly coupled. Several
studies have indicated that the coccolithophore
calcification to photosynthesis ratio ranges
from considerably less than one, to greater than
two (1–4). Specifically, the absence of
a tight coupling between photosynthesis and
calcification has been clearly demonstrated by
analyses recording only a minor reduction in
photosynthetic rates when coccolithophores were
cultured in a calcium-free medium (thus
preventing calcification) (5).
Goreau argues that only when nutrients are
plentiful, can phytoplankton be CO2
limited. The nitrate and phosphate
concentrations used in our experiments were
chosen to be consistent with those used in
previous experiments (6), and indeed
represent nutrient-replete conditions.
Therefore, to answer this question we refer the
reader to our down-core reconstruction of
coccolith mass. This record indicates that the
calcification response observed in the
laboratory under nutrient-replete conditions is
applicable also under the nutrient-limited
conditions of the real ocean. However, we know
that phosphate limitation can increase
calcification in Emiliania huxleyi (1).
Consequently, we agree that an important further
step will be to assess the role played by
nutrient limitation (iron, nitrate, phosphate)
in influencing the phytoplankton physiological
response to elevated CO2 levels.
Despite the challenging experimental
limitations, imposed by the vast complexity of
marine ecosystems, our study provides an
important insight into the acclimation of
calcifying phytoplankton to high CO2
M. Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez, Toby Tyrrell
National Oceanography Centre, University of
Southampton, Waterfront Campus, European Way,
Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK.
Paul R. Halloran, Rosalind E. M. Rickaby
Department of Earth Sciences, University of
Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR, UK.
Peter von Dassow
Station Biologique de Roscoff, Place George
Teissier, BP 74, 29682 Roscoff Cedex, France.
John A. Raven
Plant Research Unit, University of Dundee at
SCRI, Scottish Crop Research Institute,
Invergowrie, Dundee, Scotland DD2 5DA, UK.
1. E. Paasche, S. Brubak, Phycologia
33, 324 (1994).
2. E. Paasche, Phycologia 40, 503
3. I. Zondervan, Deep-Sea Res. Pt. II
54, 521 (2007).
4. M. N. Müller, A. N. Antia, J. LaRoche,
Limnol. Oceanogr. 53, 506 (2008).
5. L. Herfort, B. Thake, J. Roberts, New
Phytol. 156, 427 (2002).
6. U. Riebesell et al., Nature
407, 364 (2000), doi:10.1038/35030078. |