Today the Biorock Indonesia team, led by Komang Astika and Sandhi Raditya, placed the three new Biorock reefs installed yesterday under power in the Inner Ambon Bay. All are now working, along with the 5 Biorock reefs previously installed, a church, a mosque and the three part symbol of Pertamina, the sponsor of the project.
The new structures are shaped like the spices Ambon was famous for exporting in colonial days, the nutmeg and the clove, and the traditional symbol of Ambon, the Halaloe or Nunusaku.

We would like to thank the hard working Biorock Ambon team:
Ruselan Sudharna, Gerald Istia, Christian Pattipeilohy, Zakarias Pakaila, Johannis Manuhutu, and the many volunteers, including the entire welding and boat transport team from Balai Pelatihan dan Penyuluhan Perikanan (the Ambon office of the Maluku Fisheries Department of the Indonesian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs), Stefani Teria Salhuteru, Meltris Wenno, and Abdul Maskur Marasabessy of Moluccas Coastal Care, students from Universitas Pattimura, Oktovianus Kareis and Raflnicols of Mafispala, local environmental organizations Green Moluccas, and Trash Hero Ambon. We thank Stella Tupenalay, Ibu Raja of Negeri Halong for permission to install the project, and PT Pertamina for funding.
Ambon Bay was once famous for its beautiful corals, but the coral reefs have almost totally collapsed, and the Halong site now has the last corals left in Ambon Bay according to detailed surveys done by local NGO Moluccas Coastal Care.
Read more about the Biorock Ambon Project