May 17, 2024 BASIC BIOROCK PUBLICATIONS Thomas J. F. Goreau, Global Coral Reef Alliance Hilbertz, W., 1979. Electrodeposition of minerals in sea water: Experiments and applications. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 4(3), pp.94-113 Hilbertz, W.H., 1992....
Cleaning sewage pollution in Negril

Cleaning sewage pollution in Negril

CLEANING SEWAGE POLLUTION IN NEGRIL May 7, 2024 Thomas J. F. Goreau President, Global Coral Reef Alliance, former Science Advisor, Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society & Negril Environmental Protection Trust Negril: not enough clean water and too much dirty...
Coral sediment dredging must stop during bleaching events

Coral sediment dredging must stop during bleaching events

Sediment dredging is killing corals and must stop during bleaching events Caption: Coral reef sediment dredging in the Maldives, seen in this satellite image, leaves long plumes of fine sediments that smother and eventually kill corals. The plume, larger than most...