Happy Winter Solstice! 2018 GCRA activities report

Happy Winter Solstice! 2018 GCRA activities report

by Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD, President, Global Coral Reef Alliance BARONG & RANGDA, Biorock sculpture of the quintessential Balinese myth of the struggle between good and evil, installed December 14 2018 in honor of late Balinese ecotourism pioneer Agung Prana....
Updates on Biorock Ambon project

Updates on Biorock Ambon project

Today the Biorock Indonesia team, led by Komang Astika and Sandhi Raditya, placed the three new Biorock reefs installed yesterday under power in the Inner Ambon Bay. All are now working, along with the 5 Biorock reefs previously installed, a church, a mosque and the...
Ninety years of change on the Great Barrier Reef

Ninety years of change on the Great Barrier Reef

By Tom Goreau   Ninety years ago the Cambridge University Great Barrier Reef Expedition at Low Isle laid the foundations of modern coral research.    The Global Coral Reef Alliance team has just spent the week with a Canadian documentary film crew...
Biorock brings corals back in Ambon

Biorock brings corals back in Ambon

The corals of Ambon, in the Moluccas of Eastern Indonesia, were made famous by some of the greatest Natural Historians who ever lived.   In the 1600s Georg Eberhard Rumpf, better known as Rumphius, described hundreds of new species of Ambonese plants and marine...
Coral growth after one month on new Cozumel Biorock reefs

Coral growth after one month on new Cozumel Biorock reefs

These photos, taken by Torcuato Pulido Mantas in early July 2018, show typical examples of very healthy coral growth after just one month on new Biorock reefs in Cozumel, Mexico. The corals shown were naturally damaged and were rescued from dying when transplanted...