by mtessis | Oct 21, 2019
GCRA and Biorock Indonesia will participate in the upcoming Archipelagic and Island States Forum 2019 Archipelagic and Island States Forum 2019 aims to promote smart and innovative solutions to challenges faced by AIS Forum participating countries through...
by mtessis | Oct 21, 2019
Dr Tom Goreau, President of Global Coral Reef Alliance, was a key speaker in the 2do Conversatorio de Comunidades Urbano Costeras: “Restaurando Barreras Naturales para la Resiliencia”, hosted by the Coalición para la Restauración de los Ecosistemas Santurcinos (CRES...
by mtessis | Jul 30, 2019
Ocean Wilkins, just 8 years old, is a passionate lover of coral reefs from Brisbane, Australia, who wants to bring the dead coral reefs in front of his home in Moreton Bay back to life with Biorock coral reefs. Moreton Bay once had thriving reefs with nearly...
by mtessis | May 21, 2019
Dr. Thomas Goreau, Advisor for Ocean Work Programme, Small Island Developing States DOCK ( will speak on: Lessons from the COAs on Sustainable Blue Economy and Scientific Knowledge, Research Capacity Development and Transfer...