Coral Bleaching HotSpot shows Arctic Ice Death Spiral

Coral Bleaching HotSpot shows Arctic Ice Death Spiral

    30 years ago we developed the HotSpot method of predicting coral bleaching caused by extreme heat waves, using satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies mapped with regard to the average temperature in the hottest month historically (Goreau &...
Forests, fossil fuels, and coral reefs

Forests, fossil fuels, and coral reefs

The most massive trees and carbon biomass in the world are those in the rainforests of British Colombia, Canada, and some of these most important carbon stores are now slated for destruction in the name of “economic development”, read more in...
First Biorock projects in India

First Biorock projects in India

  The first Biorock coral reef restoration projects have been started in India by a team from the Zoological Survey of India, with support from the Gujarat Forestry Department and the Global Coral Reef Alliance.    The scientific team, led by...