by Tom Goreau | Nov 21, 2020
GCRA is proud to present video and photographs of Biorock reefs taken by in October 2020 by Delphine Robbe of the Gili Eco Trust, showing Lombok reefs that had fully recovered around six months after bleaching. They illustrate the unique resilience of Biorock reefs to...
by mtessis | Nov 19, 2020
Dr Tom Goreau, president of Global Coral Reef Alliance, speaks in India Webinar on Natural Resources, Ecosystem Services and Sustainability on Friday Nov 20th, 2020. Registration required at
by tsarkisian | Oct 9, 2020
The Live event has concluded: A recorded version of the event can be watched here: Coral Ghosts is a documentary directed by Andrew Nisker that combines six decades of underwater photography archived by Dr. Tom Goreau, a marine biologist with a family history of reef...
by Tom Goreau | Oct 1, 2020
October 1 2020 Komang Astika & Tom Goreau Biorock Indonesia Pemuteran, Bali, Indonesia Corals growing on Biorock reefs in Indonesia that survived severe 2016 bleaching, and bleached again completely in 2020, have now fully recovered. Bleaching on Biorock was...
by Tom Goreau | Sep 24, 2020
Coral reefs all across the Caribbean Sea are now at mass bleaching temperatures. Coral mortality will depend on how hot it gets in the coming weeks and for how long. Below is the latest daily Coral Bleaching HotSpot map for the Caribbean (Goreau & Hayes, 1994)....
by Tom Goreau | Sep 24, 2020
“Rough Play or Bad Intentions? Orca Encounters Off Iberia Baffle Experts”, New York Times, September 20, 2020 reports that a well known school of Orcas (killer whales) whose resident range is around both sides of the Straits of Gibraltar, have suddenly started...