by tsarkisian | Oct 30, 2021
Biorock Arks save corals from bleaching when fragmented corals die of heat-stroke October 30, 2021 Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance As Global Warming accelerates, corals are increasingly bleaching and dying from heatstroke. Biorock is the...
by Tom Goreau | Sep 17, 2021
The Economist, September 11 2021 TO: THE EDITOR OF THE ECONOMIST: The unidentified photograph in “Ocean reefs: Hybrid vigour” (Sept 11 2021) shows one of more than a thousand Biorock reefs in Indonesia and more than 50 islands built by the Global Coral Reef Alliance,...
by Tom Goreau | Sep 9, 2021
Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the famous science fiction writer and proponent of satellites, space communication, and robotics, was a pioneering diver and marine explorer. Arthur C. Clarke wrote the first English book on Scuba diving, and strongly advocated Biorock...
by Tom Goreau | Aug 19, 2021
The 2021 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report is out, and while a clear improvement in recognizing the urgency of future climate change, IPCC unfortunately continues to ignore the fact that coral reefs passed the bleaching tipping point in the...
by Tom Goreau | Jun 22, 2021
Join me and Prime Movers Lab for a discussion about the future of ocean technology and sustainability, including the future of humans living on oceans on June 23 at 3PM EDT. Register at the link below.
by Tom Goreau | Jun 22, 2021
Biorock reefs survive repeated severe bleaching undamaged. This one minute video made early in 2021 by Delphine Robbe of the Gili Eco Trust shows a Biorock reef around 17 years old which survived two severe bleaching events undamaged. The staghorn coral growing all...