by tsarkisian | Apr 2, 2018
GCRA WHITE PAPER April 2, 2018 2018 Talanoa Dialogue Platform We Have Already Exceeded the Upper Temperature Limit for Coral Reef Ecosystems, Which are Dying at Today’s CO2 Levels Thomas J. F. Goreau, Raymond L. Hayes, & Ernest Williams THE...
by tsarkisian | Mar 2, 2018
By Charles Mazel original article @ Fluorescence is a valuable tool for research on coral recruitment and survivorship. Fluorescence makes it much easier to locate tiny corals both on the reef and in the lab. On the reef – With conventional searching...
by tsarkisian | Feb 27, 2018
Written By Dr. Mercola Origianl posting on Coral reefs make up less than one-quarter of 1 percent of the Earth’s surface,1 yet supply resources worth an estimated $375 billion annually, according to the International Union for Conservation...
by tsarkisian | Feb 19, 2018
An historical overview of impacts from land-based pollution on community based natural resource management (CBNRM) as it applies to marine fisheries & coral reefs in the tropics. Paul Andre DeGeorges1,2* 1Tshwane University of Technology, Nature Conservation,...