Saving Coral Reefs From Extinction, June 4 2023, 2PM EST

Saving Coral Reefs From Extinction, June 4 2023, 2PM EST

JUNE 4 2023   2PM EDT To hear recording of talk click here: Coral reefs, the most temperature sensitive ecosystem, have already largely died from global warming and will be the first to go functionally extinct from global warming overshoot. Fossil fuel-addicted world...
Electric Reefs Enhance Coral Climate Change Adaptation

Electric Reefs Enhance Coral Climate Change Adaptation

Electric Reefs Enhance Coral Climate Change Adaptation, a chapter by Tom Goreau in the book: Corals – Habitat Formers From the Shallow to the Deep (Giovanni Chimienti, Editor), explains how the Biorock process greatly increases resilience of corals and marine...