by herrzoox | Dec 22, 2021
December 21 2021 GCRA WINTER SOLSTICE REPORT: CORALS, COVID, & CLIMATE CHANGE Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance Covid supply chain delays and uncertainty slowed down, delayed, or prevented new Biorock Marine Ecosystem Regeneration...
by herrzoox | May 8, 2020
Climate Proofing Beaches and Coastlines with Biorock Technology Biorock Technology grows back severely eroded beaches at record rates by regenerating marine ecosystems and is the most cost-effective solution for protecting coastlines from global sea-level rise....
by mtessis | Oct 21, 2019
Dr Tom Goreau, President of Global Coral Reef Alliance, was a key speaker in the 2do Conversatorio de Comunidades Urbano Costeras: “Restaurando Barreras Naturales para la Resiliencia”, hosted by the Coalición para la Restauración de los Ecosistemas Santurcinos (CRES...