Maldives coral reefs damaged by dredging

Maldives coral reefs damaged by dredging

Dredging to create artificial islands just centimeters above sea level is damaging the Maldivian coral reefs that built and protected the islands. Concerned Maldivians point out how the country’s future is being sacrificed to short term profit in Open letter to...
MALDIVES BIOROCK: Past results & future applications

MALDIVES BIOROCK: Past results & future applications

Maldives Biorock Figures compressed January 31, 2022 GCRA White Paper MALDIVES BIOROCK: Past results & future applications Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance SUMMARY The Maldivian way of life for more than four thousand years is under...
Global warming triggers coral reef bleaching tipping point

Global warming triggers coral reef bleaching tipping point

This article by GCRA’s Goreau and Hayes, published in Ambio’s 50th Anniversary Collection on the theme of Climate change impacts presents the first retrospective on global coral bleaching since the publication of their pioneering 1994 Ambio paper on predicting...