by herrzoox | Jul 7, 2014
The Economist – Turning oil rigs into reefs saves money and marine life. Yet many greens oppose it. Jun 14th 2014 | SANTA BARBARA WHEN an offshore well stops producing oil, what should be done with the rig? One option is to haul it ashore, break it up and...
by Tom Goreau | Mar 9, 2014
Sea level rise continues to destroy last good coral reefs on Majuro for landfill, eliminating their Shore Protection: Please sign Dean Jacobson’s petition against the destruction of the last good coral reefs on an island being flooded by the sea. Click HERE…...
by herrzoox | Jan 25, 2014
Edward B. Barbier and colleagues call for governance and funds for deep-sea reserves and the restoration of ecosystems damaged by commercial interests.
by herrzoox | May 28, 2004
A Vision for the UN SIDS Summit in Mauritius, January 2005 Thomas J. Goreau, Ph.D. President, Global Coral Reef Alliance UN Expert Meeting on Ocean Management in Small Island Developing States, Suva, Fiji, May 2004 1. SIDS depend on healthy oceans All SIDS are...