by mtessis | Feb 19, 2020
The Great Barrier Reef is now at severe bleaching temperatures. The map below shows the latest Goreau-Hayes HotSpot coral bleaching map for the Great Barrier Reef. Areas in yellow and orange are above the bleaching threshold. The severity of...
by mtessis | Dec 19, 2019
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance The Global Coral Reef Alliance is sad to report the loss of a real Marshall Islands coral reef hero, Dr. Dean Jacobson. Dean’s strong commitment to both scientific study and protection of the environment...
by mtessis | Sep 10, 2019
Dunja Batarilo interview with Dr Tom Goreau was posted in Fluter in April 2016. Read the original here or the translated version below. Retter der Riffe Das klimabedingte Korallensterben am Great Barrier Reef vor Australien schreitet voran. Interview mit...
by herrzoox | Jan 14, 2019
In How fast are the oceans warming?, L. Cheng, J. Abraham, Z. Hausfather, & K. Trenberth, 2019, Science, 363:128-129, reassess global ocean temperature data and finds that the heat content of the ocean is increasing considerably faster than had been realized, and...