by Tom Goreau | Nov 21, 2020
GCRA is proud to present video and photographs of Biorock reefs taken by in October 2020 by Delphine Robbe of the Gili Eco Trust, showing Lombok reefs that had fully recovered around six months after bleaching. They illustrate the unique resilience of Biorock reefs to...
by herrzoox | Nov 28, 2018
The warning was issued 20 years ago, when the Townsville Bulletin published this article about how coral bleaching was affecting the Great Barrier Reef and how global warming would kill the corals. Transcript: Coral bleaching killing our reefs By DEBBIE...
by Tom Goreau | Nov 10, 2017
Panamanian Caribbean coral reef temperatures have been very hot in 2017 and have hovered near the bleaching temperature threshold almost all year. Bleaching began around March, unusually early, but by June waters had cooled down below the threshold, and corals went...
by Tom Goreau | Apr 7, 1992
Author: Thomas J. Goreau American Zoologist, Vol. 32, No. 6 (1992), pp. 683-695 Published by: Oxford University Press Bleaching and Reef Change in Jamaica 1951-1991