Managing Ornamental Coral Trade in Indonesia

A Case Study in Bali Province during the last seven years, a thesis dissertation at Xiamen University, Fujian, China by Sandhi Raditya Bejo Maryoto, Biorock Indonesia Maluku Project Officer, covers the rapid expansion of coral exports for the aquarium trade in...

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Planetary Pact with Mother Earth still overdue in 2018

  Comments on the following article: Regenerating soil and biomass carbon can reverse global climate change posted on the Soil Carbon Alliance website.   Coral reefs are already the first victims, we exceeded the global bleaching temperature tipping point...

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2017 GCRA Activities

  GCRA Wishes a Happy New Year 2018 Please support the GCRA Year-End Fund Raising Campaign 2017 GCRA Yearly Report Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance Corals continued dying around the world in 2017 from global warming, pollution, and...

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Before and After : Biorock Electric Reefs in Curaçao

Before and After : Biorock Electric Reefs in Curaçao Before and After time-lapse series by Michael Duss showing spectacular coral growth on Biorock electric reefs in Curaçao. This video shows the coral development at our BioRock project in Curacao with the status September...

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Solomon Islands to start worlds largest Mariculture farm

Solomon Islands to start worlds largest Mariculture farm at Ontong Java Atoll June 20 2017 The Solomon Islands government approved a new mariculture farm and hatchery project, expected to be the world’s largest, on June 1 2017. It will be located in Ontong Java, one...

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New York City drain project approved that will severely damage ten year old Biorock salt marsh, mussel, and oyster restoration projects that could save the City billions of dollars in climate change adaptation costs.

DEC Approves MacNeil Park Outfall Pipe BY JAMES FARRELL Staff Writer : Queens Tribune A proposed city Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) storm water outfall pipe on the northern shoreline of College Point’s MacNeil Park has been granted a permit by the...

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CPN warns about water by outfall site

Coastal Preservation Network President James Cervino has tested wastewater that would go into the Department of Environmental Protection’s planned stormwater outfall for MacNeil Park in College Point, and he isn’t happy with the results.... Queens Chronicle...

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2017 GCRA PLANS GCRA is a global network of volunteers working for more than 25 years on fundamental research on coral threats and on direct action projects to reverse environmental degradation, especially coral reefs. GCRA has done far more to save coral reefs and...

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Happy Winter Solstice! 2016 GCRA Activities

Happy Winter Solstice! Summary of 2016 GCRA Activities 2016 GCRA accomplishments in 13 countries are briefly summarized below by country in roughly chronological order: COSTA RICA Filming sustainable and regenerative tropical agriculture methods for full length...

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