Global Coral Reef Alliance
GCRA participation in 2do Conversatorio de Comunidades Urbano Costeras in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Dr Tom Goreau, President of Global Coral Reef Alliance, was a key speaker in the 2do Conversatorio de Comunidades Urbano Costeras: “Restaurando Barreras Naturales para la Resiliencia”, hosted by the Coalición para la Restauración de los Ecosistemas Santurcinos (CRES...
In memoriam – Rani Morrow-Wuigk
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance The Global Coral Reef Alliance, Biorock Indonesia, and Yayasan Karang Lestari are very deeply saddened to announce the death of Rani Morrow-Wuigk. Rani loved Bali, and she especially loved diving and...
Bahamas hurricane destruction
Abaco and Grand Bahama have just been devastated by the Atlantic hurricane with the strongest winds recorded at landfall. The local fishermen have lived there since the 1700s and are used to surviving hurricanes every year, but they have never seen damage from wave...
8 year old wins environmental award with coral reef protection film
Ocean Wilkins, just 8 years old, is a passionate lover of coral reefs from Brisbane, Australia, who wants to bring the dead coral reefs in front of his home in Moreton Bay back to life with Biorock coral reefs. Moreton Bay once had thriving reefs with nearly...
Dr Tom Goreau to talk on Communities of Ocean Action (COAs), 30-31 May 2019
Dr. Thomas Goreau, Advisor for Ocean Work Programme, Small Island Developing States DOCK ( will speak on: Lessons from the COAs on Sustainable Blue Economy and Scientific Knowledge, Research Capacity Development and Transfer...
Stephen Attis – In Memoriam
The Global Coral Reef Alliance is deeply saddened to report the loss of the head of Vone Research “Diving for Science”. Steve led the heroic crew that built, installed, and maintained the Biorock coral reef at Lauderdale By The Sea. He was an...
Dr Tom Goreau to talk on Global Earth Repair Conference, May 3-5 2019
The Global Earth Repair Conference will bring 500 or more people together to talk about earth repair (ecosystem restoration) at local, regional, state, national and international levels. More information in: ...
Dr Tom Goreau to talk on BioGeoTherapy: Reversing Climate Change by Regenerating Land and Ocean Ecosystems at Regenerating Ecological Systems Conference, April 28 2019
A review of John Todd, 2019, HEALING EARTH: An ecologist’s journey of innovation and environmental stewardship
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance Ecosystem restoration pioneer John Todd begins his new book with “I am writing this book based on the belief that humanity will soon become involved in a deep and abiding worldwide partnership with nature....
Global ocean warming accelerates threats to coral reefs, need to remove CO2
In How fast are the oceans warming?, L. Cheng, J. Abraham, Z. Hausfather, & K. Trenberth, 2019, Science, 363:128-129, reassess global ocean temperature data and finds that the heat content of the ocean is increasing considerably faster than had been realized, and...
Biorock™ Coral Ark grows elkhorn in Jamaica
Elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, was the most common coral in shallow Jamaican and Caribbean reefs in the early 1950s until the corals were killed from sewage pollution, global warming, soil erosion, and new diseases. Now it is locally extinct almost everywhere around...
Recharging Indonesian marine biodiversity
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhDPresident, Global Coral Reef AllianceScientific Advisor, Biorock Indonesia Indonesia has the largest and most biodiverse coral reefs, mangroves, and seagrasses of any country in the world. Sadly, all are under severe pressure. Around 95% of the...
Biorock Barong And Rangda reef installed in honor of Agung Prana
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhDPresident, Global Coral Reef AllianceScientific Advisor, Biorock Indonesia The late Agung Prana, a leader of Balinese ecotourism, was commemorated by installation of a Biorock reef shaped like the quintessential Balinese mythological figures,...
Biorock beach regeneration expands
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhDPresident, Global Coral Reef AllianceScientific Advisor, Biorock Indonesia The severely eroded beach at Pulau Gangga Resort, North Sulawesi, Indonesia that was naturally regenerated at record rates with Biorock Anti Wave (BAW) reefs (Goreau...
Happy Winter Solstice! 2018 GCRA activities report
by Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD, President, Global Coral Reef Alliance BARONG & RANGDA, Biorock sculpture of the quintessential Balinese myth of the struggle between good and evil, installed December 14 2018 in honor of late Balinese ecotourism pioneer Agung Prana....
Mangrove restoration in Borneo for carbon sequestration, sustainable biofuels, and orangutan sanctuary
Biomass Energy with Carbon Capture and Sequestration (BECCS) and many fake “sustainable biofuel” projects continue to misinform about their net impacts using false carbon accounting.Some examples are given in this New York Times article, which unfortunately fails to...
Updates on Biorock Ambon project
Today the Biorock Indonesia team, led by Komang Astika and Sandhi Raditya, placed the three new Biorock reefs installed yesterday under power in the Inner Ambon Bay. All are now working, along with the 5 Biorock reefs previously installed, a church, a mosque and the...
Ninety years of change on the Great Barrier Reef
By Tom Goreau Ninety years ago the Cambridge University Great Barrier Reef Expedition at Low Isle laid the foundations of modern coral research. The Global Coral Reef Alliance team has just spent the week with a Canadian documentary film crew...
Biorock brings corals back in Ambon
The corals of Ambon, in the Moluccas of Eastern Indonesia, were made famous by some of the greatest Natural Historians who ever lived. In the 1600s Georg Eberhard Rumpf, better known as Rumphius, described hundreds of new species of Ambonese plants and marine...
Coral growth after one month on new Cozumel Biorock reefs
These photos, taken by Torcuato Pulido Mantas in early July 2018, show typical examples of very healthy coral growth after just one month on new Biorock reefs in Cozumel, Mexico. The corals shown were naturally damaged and were rescued from dying when transplanted...
New Biorock coral reefs in Grenada
Nine new Biorock reefs were installed on June 25th and placed under power on the next day by the Global Coral Reef Alliance (GCRA), the Grenada Coral Reef Foundation (GCRF), and students and fishermen from the community at Gouyave, Grenada. In the following two...
New Cozumel Coral Restoration project
Six spectacular new Biorock coral reefs have been installed in June by the Global Coral Reef Alliance (GCRA) and our local partner the Cozumel Coral Reef Restoration Program (CCRRP), in Cozumel, Mexico, the world’s most popular diving destination. The new...
Agung Prana – In Memoriam
The Global Coral Reef Alliance is deeply saddened to report the loss of our great friend and leading Balinese partner, Agung Prana. Bapak Agung Prana’s constant support for Biorock projects over 20 years made Bali the world center of coral reef regeneration....
Government of Philippines to shut down Boracay, the country’s top tourist attraction, due to pollution
GCRA assessed coral health, algae, and water quality all around Boracay in 1997 and 2007, and made recommendations on tertiary sewage treatment to recycle waste nutrients on land and keep them off the reef. The first report was banned by the Minister of Tourism, and...
Biorock electrical fields inhibit shark biting
Article by Diana Crow published on April 5th 2018 in the Sierra Club magazine Original article @ Electric Shark Boogaloo Is there such a thing as an electric fence, but for sharks? PHOTO BY ISTOCK | WHITCOMB RD BY DIANA CROW | APR 5 2018 Marine...
Restoring Coral Reefs Is Possible and Surprisingly Fast
Written By Dr. Mercola Origianl posting on Coral reefs make up less than one-quarter of 1 percent of the Earth's surface,1 yet supply resources worth an estimated $375 billion annually, according to the International...
Frankencorals – In Science Magazine
The Frankenword glossary (Science: 359:154, 2018) omits Frankencorals! It covers death-dealing Frankentechnologies that alarm the public, but life-giving electrical technologies are completely excluded. We're shocked: none of your examples involves electricity like...
Panama Canal Port Dredging That Damages Coral Reefs Stopped By Legal Action
The lawsuit by Centro de Incidencia Ambiental (CIAM) against dredging that would damage coral reefs in front of the Panama Canal (based on GCRA reef surveys with the Galeta Marine Laboratory) was admitted by Panamanian Courts on 8 January 2018. This means that the...
Managing Ornamental Coral Trade in Indonesia
A Case Study in Bali Province during the last seven years, a thesis dissertation at Xiamen University, Fujian, China by Sandhi Raditya Bejo Maryoto, Biorock Indonesia Maluku Project Officer, covers the rapid expansion of coral exports for the aquarium trade in...
Dredging threatens exceptional coral reefs in front of Panama Canal
Biorock electric coral reefs survive the most severe hurricanes with little or no damage
Two new Global Coral Reef Alliance videos answer the question many people have: what happens in a hurricane? Here we show that Biorock reefs hit by the eye of three of the strongest Caribbean hurricanes, Hanna, Ike, and Irma, suffered almost no physical damage and...
Planetary Pact with Mother Earth still overdue in 2018
Comments on the following article: Regenerating soil and biomass carbon can reverse global climate change posted on the Soil Carbon Alliance website. Coral reefs are already the first victims, we exceeded the global bleaching temperature tipping point...
2017 GCRA Activities
GCRA Wishes a Happy New Year 2018 Please support the GCRA Year-End Fund Raising Campaign 2017 GCRA Yearly Report Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance Corals continued dying around the world in 2017 from global warming, pollution, and...
Governments can’t say they weren’t warned that coral reefs can take no further warming!
Not 2 degrees, not 1.5 degrees, not even 1 degree! That’s why the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, where I will speak tomorrow about large-scale regeneration of marine ecosystems to reverse global climate change, is a death sentence for...
The Original 1991 Geotherapy Proposal to Reverse Global Climate Change
To: The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the parent of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) From: R. Grantham, H. Faure, T. J. Goreau, T. Greenland, N. A. Morner, J. Pernetta, B. Salvat, & V. R. Potter Date: October 16 1991 This...
Coral bleaching is now starting over a large part of the Caribbean
Here in Jamaica it is in the earliest and mildest phases, with only the most sensitive colonies of the three most sensitive species showing paling. Temperatures in Jamaica were only briefly above the HotSpot levels, and have cooled since, so bleaching is not likely to...
Before and After : Biorock Electric Reefs in Curaçao Before and After time-lapse series by Michael Duss showing spectacular coral growth on Biorock electric reefs in Curaçao. This video shows the coral development at our BioRock project in Curacao with the status September...
Shark bites deterred by Biorock Electric Coral Reef Projects
Coral reefs are the most biologically diverse marine ecosystems and provide vital ecosystem services. Global warming, deteriorating water quality, overharvesting, and other threats are accelerating coral reef decline. An innovative coral reef restoration method,...
Elkhorn Reef Restoration: Westender, Jamaica after 1 month
June 29 2017 Thomas J. F. Goreau In the 1950s Jamaica was surrounded by some of the finest coral reefs in the Caribbean, which were the first in the world to be studied by diving (Goreau & Goreau, 1959). These were almost all destroyed by eutrophication caused by...
Coral, Sea Grass, and Mangrove Restoration Galeta Lab, Panama
June 27 2017 Coral Reef, Sea Grass, and Mangrove Restoration Projects using Biorock Technology at Galeta Marine Laboratory, Colon, Panama Preliminary Report and Recommendations Thomas J. F. Goreau-Arango & Gabriel Despaigne-Ceballos INTRODUCTION Biorock electric...
Solomon Islands to start worlds largest Mariculture farm
Solomon Islands to start worlds largest Mariculture farm at Ontong Java Atoll June 20 2017 The Solomon Islands government approved a new mariculture farm and hatchery project, expected to be the world’s largest, on June 1 2017. It will be located in Ontong Java, one...
Pemuteran Biorock Honored at UN World Oceans Day Celebration
Balinese Villager seeks solutions on World Ocean Problems at UN
Biorock Coral Restoration comes back to Jamaica after 25 years
BIOROCK ELECTRIC CORAL REEF RESTORATION COMES BACK HOME TO JAMAICA AFTER 25 YEARS The first new Biorock electrical coral reef restoration project in Jamaica for 25 years has been started. The small project is located in front of Westender Inn, at the extreme end of...
Coral Arks, Climate Strategy: Saving coral reefs in the short and long term
CORAL ARKS, CLIMATE STRATEGY: SAVING CORAL REEFS IN THE SHORT AND LONG TERM May 7 2017. The Global Coral Reef Alliance / Soil Carbon Alliance urgently seeks funding during 2017 to support leadership in Geotherapy: global ecosystem regenerative development to reverse...
New York City drain project approved that will severely damage ten year old Biorock salt marsh, mussel, and oyster restoration projects that could save the City billions of dollars in climate change adaptation costs.
DEC Approves MacNeil Park Outfall Pipe BY JAMES FARRELL Staff Writer : Queens Tribune A proposed city Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) storm water outfall pipe on the northern shoreline of College Point’s MacNeil Park has been granted a permit by the...
NYCDEP about to destroy historic 10 year NYSDEC salt marsh, oyster, and mussel restoration at McNeil Park, College Point, Queens
March 31 2017, To: NYS DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos State Senator Tony Avella New York City Department of Environmental Protection is racing ahead with irresponsible plans to destroy the most successful oyster, mussel, and salt marsh restoration project ever...
Biorock electric reef restoration projects to start in India
Scientists to use solar energy to regenerate locally extinct corals Marine scientists will use solar energy for the first time in India to regenerate corals that become extinct from the Gulf of Kutch off the Gujarat coast thousands of years ago. Scientists across the...
New – 2017 Karang Lestari Foundation presentation
Karang Lestari Foundation presentation
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon, Rome, March 21-23 2017
Live Coverage of the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon #GSOC17 Soil4Climate Facebook: Presentations by Tom Goreau, Coordinator, Soil Carbon Alliance Poster: Regenerative Development to Reverse Climate Change: Quantity and quality of soil carbon sequestration...
CPN warns about water by outfall site
Coastal Preservation Network President James Cervino has tested wastewater that would go into the Department of Environmental Protection’s planned stormwater outfall for MacNeil Park in College Point, and he isn’t happy with the results.... Queens Chronicle...
Coral bleaching prediction capacity may soon be destroyed by US Government, Great Barrier Reef bleaching imminent
For nearly 30 years we have been able to predict mass coral bleaching accurately with the Goreau-Hayes Satellite SST HotSpot method (Goreau, 1990 US Senate Hearings on Climate Change; Goreau et al., 1993; Goreau & Hayes, 1994). We have routinely predicted, and...
In Memoriam: Dr. Nora Goreau April 25 1921 – December 18 2016 – Mother of Coral Reef Science
Dr. Nora Goreau died peacefully at 95 on December 18 2016 in Old Waterford, Vermont. Nora Isabel Arango de Urriola was born in Panama City, Panama, the middle of 9 children from a distinguished Panamanian family related to national heroes of several Latin...
Three new Biorock reef restoration projects started on Saint Barthelemy
Complete article: St. Barth News, December 22 2016
2017 GCRA PLANS GCRA is a global network of volunteers working for more than 25 years on fundamental research on coral threats and on direct action projects to reverse environmental degradation, especially coral reefs. GCRA has done far more to save coral reefs and...
Happy Winter Solstice! 2016 GCRA Activities
Happy Winter Solstice! Summary of 2016 GCRA Activities 2016 GCRA accomplishments in 13 countries are briefly summarized below by country in roughly chronological order: COSTA RICA Filming sustainable and regenerative tropical agriculture methods for full length...
GCRA Indigenous Peoples’ Environmental Restoration And Climate Change Adaptation Projects
GCRA Indigenous Peoples’ Environmental Restoration And Climate Change Adaptation Projects Indigenous peoples have managed the natural resources they live from since the dawn of humanity, and are guardians of most of the world’s biodiversity. But they are now the first...
Pollutant-pumping pipe proposal puts MacNeil Park in peril, Queens preservationists protest
Vanuatu Biorock Workshop June 9-18 2016
Vanuatu Biorock Coral Reef Restoration Workshop Havannah Harbour, Efate, June 9-18 2016 Tom Goreau Robert Lee Leah Nimoho Iman Garae SUMMARY More than 100 people attended the First Vanuatu Biorock Coral Reef Restoration Workshop, held June 13-14, and installed the...
Presentation to the Negril Chamber of Commerce, August 10 2016
East Quogue Civic Association Meeting To Discuss ‘The Hills’ Turns To Screaming Match
By Amanda Bernocco Accusations, denials, gag orders and shouting—all were part of Saturday’s East Quogue Civic Association meeting. The CAC gathering was originally scheduled so that New York City-based marine scientist Dr. James M. Cervino could share his own study’s...
This Coral Restoration Technique Is ‘Electrifying’ a Balinese Village
The technique is also changing attitudes and inspiring locals to preserve their natural treasures By Steve Baragona, May 25, 2016 Under the waters in Pemuteran, in Bali, this structure might be helping restore a coral reef. (Rani Morrow-Wuigk) As you...
To rebuild coral reefs quickly, just add electricity
Biorock reefs — sunken steel frames connected to a low-voltage current — are giving coral a second chance at surviving humanity. May 27, 2016, 3:12 p.m. MICHAEL D'ESTRIES Biorock reefs may offer a speedy solution to giving young coral reefs some much-needed...
We live underwater (How we built our own reef)
Giving Coral Reefs a new chance "We live underwater" success in 2015 and plans for 2016 In 2015, we released our short film about coral reef restoration in Indonesia. The film documents planning, building and sinking the reef and explains the amazing Biorock®...
2015 GCRA ACTIVITIES GCRA develops new projects in around 10 countries every year, but since we are constantly busy we never have time to keep the web page up to date, so it may seem we are up to nothing! Here is a list of some major projects done in 2015. INDONESIA...
After Paris: Decade of Soil Carbon to reverse climate change and save coral reefs
Tom Goreau discusses the specific failures that will prevent the Paris Climate Agreement from reaching it's own goal, how to correct it, and real and fake climate change solutions.
Tom Goreau presentation at Paris COP-21 12/2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Restoring marine ecosystems against global warming
Tom Goreau presentation: Paris COP-21 12/2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Geotherapy - Reversing global warming by restoring soil carbon part 1: part 2:
Paris climate change negotiations update
December 11 2015 Here in Paris we are entering the final day of the negotiations, and governments are hammering out unsavory compromises between closed doors. As a result of their desperate efforts to come to an agreement, we are hearing that oceans, agriculture, and...
Biorock reef restoration at the Hilton Nui Bora Bora on France 2 TV
Restoring Ecosystems to Reverse Global Warming
Biorock Artificial Reef Presentation Aug 1
Friday, August 1st, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm 5:30PM - 6:30PM - Jarvis Hall, 4505 N. Ocean Drive, Lauderdale-By-The-Sea. The Town of Lauderdale-By-The-Sea has a unique artificial reef project just off the Windjammer Resort south of Anglin's Pier. The Biorock reef utilizes a...
The EmeralPlanet broadcast: “Coral Reefs, The Oceans, and Climate Change” Our outstanding guests concerning the importance of global coral reefs and oceans are:Segment '1': Marcelian A. Cravat, Director/Producer, Angel Azul Documentary Film, (By Skype)*; Segment '2': Dr. Thomas J. Goreau, President, Global Coral...
Biorock technology good for corals to grow on
The Jakarta Post | Supplement | Thu, June 05 2014, 2:51 PM Several journalists were invited by Qunci Villas to witness the launch of the biorock technology-based artificial reef park in Lombok. The Jakarta Post’s Sudibyo M. Wiradji talks to biorock specialist Delphine...
Restoring coral reefs through art initiative breathes new life into Senggigi Beach
Sudibyo M. Wiradji, The Jakarta Post | Supplement | Thu, June 05 2014, 2:46 PM Underwater installations for an artificial reef park not only attract fish and divers but also benefit locals. Senggigi Beach in Lombok, one of Indonesia’s emerging tourist destinations, is...
Brace Yourselves for News From the Nation’s Capitol!
If you don’t know it yet, you haven’t been paying attention! Angel Azul is poised to premiere at the Environmental Film Festival in Our Nation’s Capitol, an international film festival focused on the films whose themes ride on the commitment to protect and conserve...
Marshall Islands Flooded Again By Rising Sea Level!
Sea level rise continues to destroy last good coral reefs on Majuro for landfill, eliminating their Shore Protection: Please sign Dean Jacobson’s petition against the destruction of the last good coral reefs on an island being flooded by the sea. Click HERE... Dean...
Soil as Carbon Storehouse: New Weapon in Climate Fight? by Judith D. Schwartz: Yale Environment 360
Soil as Carbon Storehouse: New Weapon in Climate Fight? by Judith D. Schwartz: Yale Environment 360.
Protected areas solution for marine tourism: Biorock reef restoration projects and protected areas in Bali
By ON - The Jakarta Post
As Ocean Warms, the Impacts Multiply (Op-Ed)
By Rod Fujita, Environmental Defense Fund. Posted on Yahoo News.
Biorock video is a finalist in Island Press / Society for Ecological Restoration student video competition.
Enormous thanks to all who helped make this possible. Read more...
Biorock Project awarded the Labda Kriya Award from the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology on National Technology Day
by Wasti Atmodjo - The Jakarta Post
Lloyd Godson is on a mission to encourage young people to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
Lloyd Godson is on a mission to encourage young people to pursue STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) studies and careers and to conserve Australia's unique marine biodiversity. See Lloyd's incredible project here... Please help Lloyd and his team...
Karang Lestari Biorock Project in Bali awarded the United Nations Equator Award
The Karang Lestari Biorock Coral Reef and Fisheries Restoration Project in Pemuteran Bali was awarded the United Nations Equator Award for Community-Based Development and the Special UN Development Programme Award for Oceans and Coastal Zone Management in Rio de...
Biorock Artificial Reef Presentation July 26, 2013
Dr. Thomas J. Goreau of the Global Coral Reef Alliance and Stephen Attis of Vone Research gave a presentation about the Biorock artificial reef restoration project in the town of Lauderdale-By-The-Sea. The speakers discussed how the project's Biorock technology makes...
Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration – Book
Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration offers a ray of hope in an increasingly gloomy scenario. This book is the first presentation of revolutionary new methods for restoring damaged marine ecosystems.
Coral reef restoration in Indonesia and relevance to Saipan
KSPN2's Chris Nelson takes a look at Bio Rock Coral Reefs in Indonesia. Click here to watch the video.
Global sea level rise and low lying coasts: Don’t be fooled by the calm before the storm that is about to hit us
Commented by: Thomas Goreau, 10/7/2012 To all concerned about global sea level rise issues An extremely important new scientific paper just published explains why 2011 had anomalously low rate of global sea level rise, and why we are due to face much more rapid...
Biorock coral reef restoration projects underway in Malaysia
Biorock coral reef restoration in the Maldives on the BBC
How can we save our dying coral reefs? - September 6, 2012 BBC Future article. Dr Tom Goreau's response to the author: Dear Gaia, Nice to see that you feature one of our old Biorock coral reef restorations in the Maldives work in your BBC piece today! But it is very...
Military halts cleanup of Fort Lauderdale tire reef
AP reports military divers are being pulled off a project to clean up an artificial reef off the beach at Fort Lauderdale that turned into an environmental disaster.
Participatory Planning Workshop for the Restoration of Ashton Lagoon
WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS AND FINAL REPORT, Union Island, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Prepared by Lisa G. Sorenson, Ph.D., May 22 – 24, 2007. See pages 23-25 and 61-68 for contributions by Dr. Goreau. View PDF Document...
Grief on the Reef New Scientist March 5, 2004 Australia’s Great Barrier Reef may be on the verge of a massive outbreak of coral bleaching caused by sea temperatures soaring for the third time in six years. “The entire reef has been in a bleaching hotspot for the past...
Mysterious New Diseases Devastate Coral Reefs
Mysterious New Diseases Devastate Coral Reefs New York Times Science Desk | 8/19/1997 Carol Kaesuk Yoon (NYT) ABSTRACT - Researchers say many mysterious new diseases are attacking coral reefs around the world, and that corals, some centuries old, are quickly...