Global Coral Reef Alliance
2024 record temperature effects on coral bleaching & ocean circulation
Author’s original version The Author’s Original Version (AOV) is the un-refereed author version of an article as submitted for publication in an Oxford University Press journal. This is sometimes known as the “preprint” or draft version. The author accepts full...
Cleaning sewage pollution in Negril
CLEANING SEWAGE POLLUTION IN NEGRIL May 7, 2024 Thomas J. F. Goreau President, Global Coral Reef Alliance, former Science Advisor, Negril Coral Reef Preservation Society & Negril Environmental Protection Trust Negril: not enough clean water and too much dirty...
2023 record marine heat waves: Coral Bleaching HotSpot maps reveal global sea surface temperature extremes, coral mortality, and ocean circulation changes
January 22, 2024 2023 record marine heat waves: Coral Bleaching HotSpot maps reveal global sea surface temperature extremes, coral mortality, and ocean circulation change Thomas J. F. Goreau & Raymond L. Hayes The manuscript is a non-peer reviewed preprint...
GCRA WHITE PAPER HOW MUCH FASTER CAN BIOROCK INCREASE CORAL GROWTH? Thomas J. F. Goreau December 10 2023 Record fast coral growth enhancement under Biorock electrical stimulation of up to 4.126 times faster in diameter, 20.7488 times faster in length, and 353.225...
Bad Science and Good Intentions Prevent effective Climate Action Bad Science and Good Intentions Prevent effective Climate Action Graeme MacDonald Taylor, Peter Wadhams, Daniele Visioni, Tom Goreau, Leslie Field, Heri Kuswanto 13 November 2023 Summary...
Electric Reefs Enhance Coral Climate Change Adaptation
Electric Reefs Enhance Coral Climate Change Adaptation, a chapter by Tom Goreau in the book: Corals - Habitat Formers From the Shallow to the Deep (Giovanni Chimienti, Editor), explains how the Biorock process greatly increases resilience of corals and marine...
Coral Reef Electrotherapy: Field Observations
This paper presents the first comprehensive review of all visible biological effects of the Biorock electrolysis method of marine ecosystem regeneration that have been seen since the invention of the method in 1976. Extraordinary benefits are seen for the health of...
MALDIVES BIOROCK: Past results & future applications
Maldives Biorock Figures compressed January 31, 2022 GCRA White Paper MALDIVES BIOROCK: Past results & future applications Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance SUMMARY The Maldivian way of life for more than four thousand years is under...
Palmetto point development: potential impacts on Barbuda’s fisheries
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance Any development at Palmetto Point would cause significant, and probably irreversible, deterioration of water quality in Codrington Lagoon, Barbuda’s major fish nursery ground. Codrington...
Golf courses kill coral reefs and fisheries: harmful algae blooms and disease caused by nutrient runoff from golf course development on Guana Cay, Abaco, Bahamas
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance Introduction: Bahamas coral reef deterioration This study is thought the first ever to evaluate the health of coral reef ecosystems and fisheries before and after a golf course development....
Climate-proofing Coastlines with Biorock Technology
Climate Proofing Beaches and Coastlines with Biorock Technology Biorock Technology grows back severely eroded beaches at record rates by regenerating marine ecosystems and is the most cost-effective solution for protecting...
Close range underwater photogrammetry for high- resolution survey of a coral reef: A comparison between reconstructed 3-D point cloud models from still image and video data
A paper by Verena Vogler, original link here. Abstract Coral threat levels from climate change have increased around the globe. Coral reefs are nature’s best coastal protection device [MS48]. They dissipate portions of the wave energy through a system of...
High-Resolution Underwater 3-D Monitoring Methods to Reconstruct Artificial Coral Reefs in the Bali Sea: A Case Study of an Artificial Reef Prototype in Gili Trawangan
A paper by Verena Vogler, original link here. Intro This paper introduces new methods and techniques for artificial coral reef design and fabrication based on the Biorock(c) Technology to enable regrowth of damaged coral reefs and discusses state-...
Biorock Corals grow faster, longer and wider, depending on species and depth
A recent paper from Banda Aceh, Indonesia confirms yet again that Biorock accelerates the growth of corals around 4 times faster than controls: The escalation of coral growth by biorock technology applied in Sabang marine ecotourism AACL Bioflux, 2018,...
Marine Habitat Regeneration
by Tom Goreau, co-Inventor of Biorock & President of Global Coral Reef Alliance A contribution to: THE FIRST UNITED NATIONS HIGH-LEVEL ROUNDTABLE ON SUSTAINABLE FLOATING CITIES: Exploring The Next Frontier For Human Settlements Wednesday, 3 April 2019 UN...
Biorock Oyster, Salt Marsh, and Sea Grass Restoration for Coastal Protection, Fisheries Habitat Regeneration, Submerged Breakwaters, and Artificial Islands
Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD President, Global Coral Reef Alliance INTRODUCTION Biorock technology, first invented in 1976 in Grand Isle, Louisiana by the late Wolf Hilbertz, architecture professor at the University of Texas at Austin (Hilbertz, 1979; Goreau &...
Biorock Technology: A Novel Tool for Large-Scale Whole-Ecosystem Sustainable Mariculture using Direct Biophysical Stimulation of Marine Organism’s Biochemical Energy Metabolism
2018 International Summit on Fisheries & Aquaculture Biorock Technology: A Novel Tool for Large-Scale Whole-Ecosystem Sustainable Mariculture using Direct Biophysical Stimulation of Marine Organism's Biochemical Energy Metabolism Biorock mariculture...
Submission to the UN Talanoa Dialogue: The essential role and form of integrated climate restoration strategy; the setting of targets and timescales; the methodologies and funding options
Expert Input to the Talanoa Dialogue Submitted April 1st 2018 Based on Observations and Our Experience and focused on fully communicating the significance and implications of scientific understanding for the public now and into future...
We Have Already Exceeded the Upper Temperature Limit for Coral Reef Ecosystems, Which are Dying at Today’s CO2 Levels
GCRA WHITE PAPER April 2, 2018 2018 Talanoa Dialogue Platform We Have Already Exceeded the Upper Temperature Limit for Coral Reef Ecosystems, Which are Dying at Today's CO2 Levels Thomas J. F. Goreau, Raymond L. Hayes, & Ernest Williams THE PROBLEM...
Fluorescence for Coral Recruitment Research
By Charles Mazel original article @ Fluorescence is a valuable tool for research on coral recruitment and survivorship. Fluorescence makes it much easier to locate tiny corals both on the reef and in the lab. On the reef – With conventional searching...