Prime Movers Lab Webinar – Ocean Technology

Prime Movers Lab Webinar – Ocean Technology

Join me and Prime Movers Lab for a discussion about the future of ocean technology and sustainability, including the future of humans living on oceans on June 23 at 3PM EDT. Register at the link below.  
Biorock reefs unaffected by severe bleaching events

Biorock reefs unaffected by severe bleaching events

Biorock reefs survive repeated severe bleaching undamaged. This one minute video made early in 2021 by Delphine Robbe of the Gili Eco Trust shows a Biorock reef around 17 years old which survived two severe bleaching events undamaged. The staghorn coral growing all...

Robert Kent Trench: In Memoriam

April 28, 2021 The Global Coral Reef Alliance announces with the greatest sadness the death this morning of Professor Robert Kent Trench, the world’s top expert on coral reef symbiosis, and a distinguished member of GCRA’s Board of Directors. We will soon post on the...
Global warming triggers coral reef bleaching tipping point

Global warming triggers coral reef bleaching tipping point

This article by GCRA’s Goreau and Hayes, published in Ambio’s 50th Anniversary Collection on the theme of Climate change impacts presents the first retrospective on global coral bleaching since the publication of their pioneering 1994 Ambio paper on predicting...