Assessment of Buonavista Reef and Recommendations

Assessment of Buonavista Reef and Recommendations Thomas J. Goreau, Ph.D. President, Global Coral Reef Alliance March 27 1998 Colombo, Sri Lanka Heavy mining and deteriorating water quality now limit healthy coral reef to only very small pockets along the southwestern...
Mysterious New Diseases Devastate Coral Reefs

Mysterious New Diseases Devastate Coral Reefs

Mysterious New Diseases Devastate Coral Reefs New York Times Science Desk | 8/19/1997 Carol Kaesuk Yoon (NYT) ABSTRACT – Researchers say many mysterious new diseases are attacking coral reefs around the world, and that corals, some centuries old, are quickly...

Balancing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

Balancing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Thomas J. Goreau AMBIO, 1990, volume 19, pages 230-236. NOTE: This paper discusses the global sources and sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide from both the oceans and land, and evaluates what steps are needed to bring them into...